I've decided that this year I'm not going to set myself resolutions; I last a month at most and then feel like a failure for the rest of the year. This year I am being selfish and focusing on myself.
These aren't resolutions per se, I see them more as goals for the future and becoming the best version of myself I can be. It's a change of habits, attitude and persona.
You are not a match. You are a goddamn wildfire. (Amanda Oaks, full poem)
This year I'm going to do things that make me happy and help me remember how lucky I am. I am studying something I love, I live right beside the sea and my friends are amazing; what isn't there to love? This year I turn twenty and I think I've finally realised that if someone doesn't like you then it doesn't matter, I'm not here to impress anyone. I'm going to embrace my terrible dance skills and my loud laugh. Why should I be ashamed about things that are natural and make me who I am. I'm going to be enthusiastic about Alexander the Great and Herodotus and no one can stop me.
I think it's intoxicating when someone is so unapologetically who they are. (Don Cheadle)
I'm going to stop relying on people and things for my happiness. It is so easy to depend on certain people to pull you through the dark times and difficulties but I need to learn how to do it myself. I may be young but I've done a lot in my short life. I volunteered for two months, travelled to Peru on my own, I have consistently worked for the past three years and I got into a top class university. I am proud of myself. When did having pride in yourself become a bad thing, I work hard and I deserve good things. I am capable of great things and this year I intend to become the best version of myself.
I stopped looking for the light. Decided to become it instead. (@heyfranhey)
I'm going to write more, sing more, draw more and dance more. I'm going to wholeheartedly embrace my wonderful life and conquer anything in my way. In the simplest terms possible I'm going to punch 2015 in the face and kick its ass.
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