My Grandfather was a keen photographer, a hobby I share with him. Although I never met my Grandpa I've learnt a lot about him through his photographs; whether they're of the Austrian Alps, his family or India. I love seeing photos of my mum and her brothers as children and my grandparents as young adults enjoying themselves after the war. I love these photos because they give me a glimpse into my families life and what it was like back then.
My Grandpa worked for GlaxoSmithKline and spent a lot of his career contributing photographs to the company magazines and newsletters. He was lucky enough to travel to India to see the new factory in an era when foreign travel, especially that far, was rare and very expensive. He was also very fond of Austria and Switzerland, I found hundreds of photos of mountains and lakes. Alongside the far-flung landscapes he often took photos of his family and friends. There is something both professional and amateur about these photographs and I love it. Nothing leaves memories better than photographs.
My Nana died on Christmas Day aged ninety-two years old and she lived a good life. She is remembered by her four children, seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Although I am devastated I know she is in a better place and finally reunited with my Grandpa, her husband, after more than twenty years apart. We can't prevent our loved ones dying but we can deal with it and remember them whilst simultaneously pulling ourselves together and living our lives.
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